What is Algorithm | How to Grow On Instagram | How Does Work Algorithm?


What is Algorithm | How to Grow On Instagram | How Does Work Algorithm?

How does the algorithm work?

Whenever we watch and like a video the most, Instagram shows us related videos from it. the algorithm looks more to our liking. 
As we watch food related reels, then the algorithm shows us only food related videos.
If we watch a video related to cricket, then algorithm only shows the video related to cricket.
According to our interest, the algorithm shows that video.

What Does The Algorithm Focus Most?

Instagram Algorithm for Reels


  • RELEVENCE:- If you are making a video related to food, then put #hashtags related to food in it. And then the algorithm will send the video to the particular person who is interested in it. Algorithms send videos of his choice in relevance.

  • FRESHNES:- You must have seen that the duplicate video that is made is not very viral, the fresh content that is made is more viral. The video which becomes first becomes more viral. So freshness sees this thing that when the video was made, then after that it boosts the video.

  • PERFORMENCE:- Instagram's algorithm first sends all your content by analyzing which are your followers. If your followers show interest in it, then Instagram sends your content to non-followers. If non-followers also show interest in that content, then your video will start going viral.

 Best Tips To Make Reels Viral

  1. Focus on Your Specific Topic
  2. Watermarks
  3. Viral Elements
  4. Hashtags

  • Focus on Your Specific Topic:- Everyday reels have to be uploaded on Instagram. If you are uploading any reels, then do it in high quality. Make reels on one of your content. Because the algorithm only sends videos to those who watch more videos of the content. so you guys select one of the content

  • Watermarks:- Many people are still uploading decent videos which have watermark. like TikTok's watermark, Instagram's algorithm does not detect any watermark. It is important that you remove the watermark first.

  • Viral Elements:- The best way to make your video viral is to make reels on trending songs. make video Viral reels on the audio that is playing these days most. It is possible that your reels can grow.

  • Hashtags:- By adding hashtags, Instagram's algorithm understands the content and then shows it to the people who need it. 

How to unfreeze Instagram ID | How to Know Instagram Account Freeze or Unfreeze | Check Instagram Freeze Your Account?

First of all, let me tell you that there is no such thing as freeze and unfreeze in Instagram. If we haven't uploaded a post on Instagram for a few days, the algorithm Shadowban it. The algorithm says that when you are not uploading a video, it Shadowban it. There are many more reasons to be Shadowban, For example, if we have sent a wrong comment or uploaded a wrong post or have message someone dirty, then also the algorithm Shadowban. There is another reason like if many people together start reporting our account then also our account gets Shadowban.

So this is some reason due to which the algorithm does not send the video even to our followers, then where will it be sent to the unfollowers?

And how do we know that our account is Shadowban?, So let's find out whether our account has been Shadowban or not.

  • Go to Your Instagram Profile
  • Click on 3 Line

  • Click on Settings Option
  • Click on Account
  • Go to Account Status
  • Now You will see Your Account Status

If this type of image is coming in your account, then your account has not been Shadowban.

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