What is Instagram / About Instagram


What is Instagram?

Instagram is a free app. people can share photos & videos. Instagram users can like to people images, bookmark others' posts, as well as can send private messages to their friends via the Instagram Direct feature. App available on Android & iPhone. People can share photos or videos to their followers or with a select group of friends. They can also view, Likes & comment posts shared by their friends on Instagram. Instagram is an online app that was acquired by Facebook in 2012. Anyone 13 (thirteen) and older can create an own account by registering an email address & selecting a username. And people can make money on Instagram also. With the help of Reels of Instagram, you can also become famous and you can also get a chance to work in a film. Many such people have gone into the film industry with the help of Instagram. so why can't you do the same.



Do you want to learn more about Instagram? Some of our popular help topics here.


History of Instagram

Instagram was started in Kevin Systrom by Mike Krieger and San Francisco, who in the first instance tried creating a platform similar equal to Foursquare. But then turned their attention only to photo sharing. The word Instagram is a mixture of instant camera & telegram. With the Instagram company reporting more than 40 Forty million active users just two years after launch. Instagram caught the attention of Facebook. Which officially bought to Instagram for < $1 >billion in the summer of 2012.


The iOS app was released by the iTunes App Store on (Oct. 6, 2010), & the Android app was released on April (3, 2012). The platform popularity - skyrocketed to the company reporting extra than (forty) million active users only 2 years after launch. Fundamentally, only images can be posted on Instagram, but the company extended to fifteen seconds videos in 2013. In 2016, Instagram upped the maximal video length to sixty seconds. Until 2015, all photos posted to Instagram were limited to a square aspect ratio. The app company changed this to allow users to could upload video and images at full size.


The company has been the wellspring of few disputed. In 2012, Instagram added it sentence to its Terms of Service policy:


To help us make interesting paid or sponsored content & promotions, you agree that a business or another entity may pay us to display your username, analogy, photos (along by any allied metadata), & or actions you have, in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any smart money to you. Following bulky backlash to users to who feared Instagram would deal / sell their recognizers and photos, CEO Systrom Gave Assurance users that was not the company's intent. The language was soon removed to the policy.

The iOS app was released by the iTunes App Store on (Oct. 6, 2010), & the Android app was released on April (3, 2012). In two years after launch the platform popularity skyrocketed - with the company reporting more than forty million active users. The company reported over forty million active users.


How to use Instagram - Getting Started on Instagram

If you want to use the Instagram app, then first download the Instagram app from your mobile play store (Android) or App Store (iOS). then open the Instagram app. You will be asked to enter username and password there.If you have already created an Instagram account, then you will have an Instagram username and password. If you are new then you have to create new user id. Click on (Create new account). 

  • After that two options will appear. 1st you have to login with mobile number, Second, you have to login with your email ID, you select one.
  • Fill in the email address, And if you have filled up your email address and mobile number, then a OTP will come on your email and mobile number, which you will have to confirm. after filled up Click on next option.
  • Fill up Your name then tap on next bottom.
  • Create a password then tap on next bottom.
  • If you want to save your password then click on Save Option If you do not want to save your password then tap Not now.
  • Enter Your date of birth, Create a username then tap on next bottom. read the Instagram's terms and policies and Click on I Agree Option.
  • Add a profile picture, If you do not want to add profile picture then tap on skip option.
  • Now you will be login in Instagram and if you want to follow someone then you can also follow otherwise skip it.

What Are the Benefits of Instagram?

like with many of the popular social networking websites, While there could be risks, there could be also benefits. Instagram is all about a hopeful creative basis. In fact, Instagram is probably one of the reasons for the resurgence in the popularity of photography. The app allows its young people users for share their lives in a quirky way, filtered photos, Hashtags, or short video clips are and have certainly been put to good use by most of its users.

This thing is also liked by the youth, They could follow popular people or influencers on the app, Stay up-to-date with new businesses, With news and friends.

Instagram: FAQ’s

Looking for answers to your questions on Instagram? You could create FAQs to help you start conversations with people right away. In addition to creating your own queries, You could also use suggested questions by Instagram that are suggested for your business. 

These questions would be visible to people who try to send messages to your business account. You could select up to 4th questions for people to display. With frequently asked queries, Your business could detract from the time & resources spent answering the same questions oftentimes.

Note: if a person chooses any one of these questions, the message would go to your message requests in Instagram Direct. To answer their question you will need to accept their message request. You could also include automatic responses, so people could get answers to simple queries soon.

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