We Suspended your account on 31, March 2023

We Suspended your account on 31 March 2023 | Instagram Account Suspended Problem?


We Suspended your account 
on 31, March 2023

Why Instagram suspended the account?

We do not follow any community guidelines Due to which your account gets suspended. 
  • Only share photos and videos that follow Instagram's Community Guidelines. Do not send dirty photos and videos.
  • Do not comment wrongly on anyone's post, because of this they can also report.
  • Follow the law.
  • Interact well with the members of Instagram.
And for some people, their Instagram account is getting suspended automatically. They are just switching their account. 

How to fix a suspended Instagram account?

Tap on (Disagree with Decision) to pix it. And write that, (I have not violated any terms and conditions, please fix it.) it's nothing to worry about it will be fixed within 24 hours. This problem is facing to many people. 

How long is Instagram suspended?

How long does Instagram suspension last? In most cases, Your Instagram account suspension remains for 24-48.

Is Instagram suspension permanent?

There are many different types of suspensions depending on what caused your account to be suspended. Temporary suspensions will be fixed within 24-48 hours.

Can Instagram delete your account?

If you do not want to use Instagram for a few days, then you can also deactivate your Instagram temporarily. For security reasons, Instagram could not delete an account. For this, you will have to log in to your account in a few days, so that Instagram will feel that you have not stopped using Instagram. So that your Instagram followers and posts will also be safe. for not doing it for a few days, If you forget Instagram then you can find out by looking at some tips.

How to Temporarily Deactivate Instagram account | Temporarily Deactivate your Instagram account 

If you temporarily deactivate your Instagram account, your profile, photos, likes & comments will be hidden. while you reactivate your Instagram account by logging back in.

Keep in mind that you must login once a week on Instagram. and you can deactivate your account once a week. There is nothing to panic if you deactivate your account temporarily. But if you do permanent delete account then you have to fix it within 30 days

To temporarily deactivate your account, go to your Instagram profile. Tap three lines you can see right corner, click on settings, tap on help option, then you will see four option click on Help Center, then click on three lines you can see right corner, tap on Manage Your Account, after that you will see Delete Your Account click it, there are three option click on Temporarily deactivate your Instagram account. Click on the option you are using I will select Instagram. Come from a mobile browser. because i am using android mobile. 

After this it will redirect you to the next step. If your account is already logged in, then OK, otherwise you need to login again. then go to your profile again and you will see Edit Profile click on it, and scroll down Tap on Temporarily deactivate my account, it will ask to you why are you deactivating your account? the simply click on Just need a break, then enter your Instagram password. finally click on Temporarily Deactivate Account. 
This was a simple way to temporarily deactivate Instagram account...

How to Permanently Delete Instagram account? | Delete permanent Instagram account?

If you want to permanently delete Instagram account, then this is a very simple step. Everyone has their own compulsion, someone creates more Instagram accounts then deletes them. And someone deletes for some personal reason. There is a simple step to permanently delete Instagram account.

Go to your Instagram profile, tap on three lines, tap on settings, click on Help Option, then tap on Help Center, then click on three lines again you can see right side of search option, tap on Manage Your Account, click on Temporarily deactivate your Instagram account, and scroll down there is option for delete your Instagram account in Note: click it, after that select Mobile Browser Help, tap on Instagram.com from a mobile browser. then you can see Delete Your Account option click it, then select one option you can select anyone, and re-enter your password, then finally Delete your account. 
Account will be automatically deleted after 30 days, If you do not want the account to be deleted, then you must login again within 30 days.

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